Amongst the many films I’m looking forward to being released up there at the top is Samuel Bayers reimaging of Freddy Krueger in A Nightmare On Elm Street,which is due to be released on the 7th of May in the UK. It stars Jackie Earle Haley as Fred Krueger, the child serial killer who terrorizes and kills teenagers with a bladed glove in their nightmares.
Since watching the originals as a young girl, Wes Craven's original 1984 movie fuelled my passion for horror movies. The distinct tacky prosthetics, over use of fake blood and ridiculous plots I have come to enjoy the slasher genre to its full extent as a young adult.
I'm expecting a lot from this remake, mainly due to Jackie Haley's obvious screen presence. Haley has definitely proved to be one of my most favourite actors in the recent years, It began for me with his character Ronnie who is charged with indecent exposure in Little Children (2005)and with his more famous role last year as Rorschach in Watchmen (2009)
Unlike the remake Friday the 13th, this installment will see ideas coming straight from the first film. Director Samuel Bayer explained that this time round the story goes deeper into Freddy's character, including how he came to be and his disturbing background history.
Already from the trailer I have spotted a clear resemblance to the original. The overall feel and look of the film is most promising and the trailer even had me jumping. My one concern is the talk over the films rating. There have been talks of the film being cut for English audiences so it can be shown with a 15 rating. For one I am getting pretty tired over horror movies being cut and changed to suit younger audiences, in the first place these films should not really be shown to young teenagers and secondly, by cutting these films down to suit younger audiences, die hard fans are missing out on the full film and will have to wait for DVD releases in order to watch this film as it was originally made.
I must admit I was one of the many fans of the series ready to slate this film. I was there reading every IMDB entry on how awful this film was going to be, and I found myself being very skeptical. But the more I watch the trailer, the more I read the positive reviews and the fact I love Jackie Haley to top it all off. I just can't help but be ridiculously excited!