Friday 30 April 2010

Paper Man.

This trailer caught my eye for two reasons; 1: Jeff Daniels (from the epic Dumb & Dumber) plays the lead role. 2: Ryan Reynolds plays Jeff Daniels imaginary super hero friend. Admittedly, Reynolds usually annoys the hell out of me and even more so when he started going out with Scarlet Johansson, but in this film he seems to actually be quite funny.

The story revolves around Richard (Jeff Daniels), a failed middle aged novelist who meets Abby (Emma Stone), a 17 year old girl whose involvement in a family tragedy a few years earlier has stolen away her youth. The main thing that caught me as being pretty damn awesome was that Richard has an imaginary friend called Captain Excellent (Ryan Reynolds). There are a few funny moments in the trailer where Captain Excellent suggests to Richard certain ways to solve his problems which did make me chuckle.

I am excited to see this film when it comes out. However it was shown at the LA film festival in 2009 and was just released in North America on the 23rd of April of this year. So hopefully us European folk have not long to wait.

- Seb.

The Year of 3D

That is it, I'm at breaking point. News has been released of confirmation that Ridley Scott will be using 3D for his ALIEN prequels. Yes you heard it right two ALIEN prequels

3D is becoming the bane of my life, since
Avatar was released last year in December, directors can't seem to handle the idea of directing a movie without it. It's just a way to spruce up your movie, bring audiences in because your films content lacks any original depth. I'm all for 3D in family films, the odd
sci-fi film (NOT ALIEN) and maybe even the occasional horror. But it does not, for a fact, need to be included in every major blockbuster.

Maybe I'm coming off a bit strong and maybe I'm overreacting, but the fact is
ALIEN is a masterpiece; to return to the original story and uncover the origins of creature itself is to unravel the mystery behind it all, which made ALIEN so haunting and terrifying in the first place. Then to top it off Ridley has decided to direct it all in 3D.

I am a huge fan of the
ALIEN series, especially the 1979 film so I was excited and apprehensive at the thought of a prequel but I trusted in Ridley's artistic vision to pull this idea through. But on hearing that he
would be using 3D I just can't help but lose all faith. Using 3D will mean that he will probably using no old-school techniques, which means lots of horrible evil CGI, which frankly I am gutted about. Maybe he will use CGI correctly and not over do it and maybe he will use some old-school techniques but I really can't see that happening. However to go back on my words, CGI has improved enormously over the last 30 years so used in the correct way we could be left with some stunning effects, used badly and this could all be too much for my little brain to handle.

The closer it gets to the film being made and released, the more my opinion is likely to change. As soon as I see a screen-shot I know I will be peeing my panties. I just pray he is going to return to his original methods and produce another timeless movie, it doesn't have to top his Oscar winning
ALIEN, it just has to do itself justice for all those die hard ALIEN fans out there.


District 9 sequel. Confirmed?

Sharlto Copley, star from District 9 has confirmed in an interview with Empire that he and Neil Blomkamp (Director of the film) want to do a prequel to District 9. I am quite thrilled about this news as for me District 9 was a positive surprise. Having enjoyed this amazing sci-fi film and it’s avoidance of a clichéd and typical take on the genre made it one of my favourite films of last year. And to hear that the two main reasons for me liking District 9 (Copley and Blomkamp) are keen on making a sequel is very exciting news indeed.

- Seb.

The Expendables

No, just no. What the hell is going on here? Why the hell is Sylvester Stallone still even alive? I was kind of hoping he would inject himself with so many steroids that he would become to look like some kind of circus freak with a multitude of growths but unfortunately, this has not happened – yet-. So in the mean time he co-wrote and directed this new film. Apparently made to pay homage to the action films of the 1980s and ‘90s. Which is quite ironic as that is the age in which Stallone was the most prominent. The film is filled with all kinds of ‘heroes’ from that era and some from the present day. A selection of the names - besides Stallone -include: Arnold Schwarzenegger (That is right, the Governor is making a guest appearance.), Bruce Willis (who from the trailer only seems to have a tiny role), Mickey Rourke and Jet Li. And a more recent action hero: Jason Statham. Well I watched the trailer; I watched it a few times actually as I wanted to make sure that such a film is really being made. And my god is it a taste of things to come. I am looking forward to seeing this actually. To see this old and crippled Stallone try and relive his glory days, to see him upstaged by Statham and to see it do shit at the box office. As that is all that it deserves.

- Seb.

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Robin Hood 2010

On the 14th of May in the UK we are set to see the release of another remake, or retelling of the familiar story of Robin Hood. Hollywood has been recycling stories for over half a century and I feel this is one could be something to get excited about.
Ridley Scott, in my eyes is a true master and auteur of our time.
For me the reason for this is Alien (1979) and Blade Runner (1982) but on hearing about Robin Hood, I was in the least bit bothered, another remake I thought, using Russel Crowe again I sighed. I thought it was one to easily be dismissed this year, but on watching the trailer at the cinema last week, my view has completely changed.

I found out that a lot of people on IMDB where ready to slate this as soon as they heard Russel Crowe was going to be starring alongside an apparently old Cate Blanchett, but I think it would be worth your while giving this movie a chance. Under the direction of Ridley Scott I feel this film could really stand out amongst the crud being released this year. Yes it may be churning out some ideas we've heard before, but isn't everything a copy of a copy. All these famous stories that have been passed down for centuries and all have a different way of being told. We got a lot of 'recycling' ahead of us, the film industries will never stop producing new Batmans, or Draculas and even some classic Greek mythology, these stories will never stop being retold so its probably time to just get used to it.


Monday 19 April 2010

New Bond film suspended.

The latest news from MGM is that their financial trouble is far more serious than previously assumed. This was made obvious when announced that the latest Bond film, number 23 in the series, has been suspended, indefinitely.

Bond producers Michael G Wilson and Barbara Broccoli stated that without a new backer nothing will happen. They go on stating that the production is certainly not dead but merely pushed back.

The big question is what will the impact of this be for the creative aspect of the film. According to the rumours it is unsure if Sam Mendes will stay on as the director for the film and apparently the writer Peter Morgan (The Queen) has already moved on.

This is worrying news for the film industry as a whole.

- Seb.

Friday 16 April 2010


This new film from Matthew Vaugh (LayeCake, Sunshine), based on Mark Miller’s comic book is an exciting idea. Gone is the idea of a gritty hyper-realistic view on the super hero; Batman Begins, The Dark Knight. It's a daring film, continuing in a genre already filled with expensive and famous misfires; Catwoman, Daredevil. But with Matthew Vaughn at the helm and the ideas of Mark Millar combined, it was an idea I got excited about as soon as I saw the first trailer.

The story follows Dave Lizewski who's an average high school teenager dealing with common teenage boy problems; the girls pay no attention to him, he has an obsession with breasts and he cannot stop masturbating. He also has a keen interest in comic books. And from that interest in comic books is where his superhero alter ego comes from. One day he asks himself and his friends why no one has actually tried becoming a super hero. His friends tell him that it is because anyone who tries will get their arse kicked. But later on he goes online, purchases a wetsuit which he modifies and then he becomes Kick-Ass. His first day on “the job” consists of him getting beaten up, stabbed and run over.

The cast consists of quite some familiar faces from the UK, and these next three actors all starred in a film Matthew Vaughn worked on; Mark Strong who plays main bad guy Frank D’Amico (Strong is one of my personal current favourite actors), Jason Flemyng (Snatch, Lock Stock.) and Dexter Fletcher (Snatch, Lock Stock.). Mark Strong did a great job at playing the main baddy and he pulled the American accent off quite well. But nothing as good as Aaron Johnson, I had to remind myself he was from England at times as his accent was just very good. And he plays a likeable lead role.

But the most impressive person in this film is 11 year old Chloe Gormetz as Hit Girl. She does very well for an actress of her age. Even though there's one scene in the film where Hit Girl and Hit Girl’s father, Big Daddy (played by Nicolas Cage) are in a bowling alley celebrating her birthday which made me cringe by the mere terrible acting. This was however quickly forgiven considering the way she performs in the rest of the film.

The film quite surprised me with the amount of gore (even though after seeing a few pages from the comic book I guess I should have expected it), all this gore seemed to entertain the audience, but after I while I found myself becoming quite bored and detached from the film. Obviously this film is going to be an action comedy, and I was expecting this but I found that the film just hid behind the gore, behind the cheap one liners and the lack of any real decent dialogue. It all reminded me a bit of a Tarantino film. Last years Inglorious Basterds left me feeling largely the same way as this film, centering too much on the ‘Oohs’ and ‘Aahs’.

(Mark Strong is aaaaaah-suuuuuuum)

Kick-Ass to me felt like it was lacking a lot of character depth. In the end, after sitting through a film that was too long. (Just under 2 hours I believe). I went into it expecting a film that was going against the grain, against all the comic book films that have come out recently. But instead it went exactly the same way. Kick-Ass gets the girl. The bad guys get wiped out. And it is all merry fun. Sure, Nicolas Cage’s Big Daddy might get burned to death, but that actually had the opposite effect on me, I felt like I wanted him to die the first moment I saw him appear on screen. So in that aspect I was pleased. I am sure it will do well as the marketing campaign looks great and the trailer is pretty damn good. But I am sad to say that as a fan of Matthew Vaughn I felt like his latest film was quite hollow and it didn't have anything I felt worth paying £6 for.

- Seb.

A Nightmare on Elm Street 2010

Amongst the many films I’m looking forward to being released up there at the top is Samuel Bayers reimaging of Freddy Krueger in A Nightmare On Elm Street,which is due to be released on the 7th of May in the UK. It stars Jackie Earle Haley as Fred Krueger, the child serial killer who terrorizes and kills teenagers with a bladed glove in their nightmares.
Since watching the originals as a young girl, Wes Craven's original 1984 movie fuelled my passion for horror movies. The distinct tacky prosthetics, over use of fake blood and ridiculous plots I have come to enjoy the slasher genre to its full extent as a young adult.
I'm expecting a lot from this remake, mainly due to Jackie Haley's obvious screen presence. Haley has definitely proved to be one of my most favourite actors in the recent years, It began for me with his character Ronnie who is charged with indecent exposure in Little Children (2005)and with his more famous role last year as Rorschach in Watchmen (2009)
Unlike the remake Friday the 13th, this installment will see ideas coming straight from the first film. Director Samuel Bayer explained that this time round the story goes deeper into Freddy's character, including how he came to be and his disturbing background history.

Already from the trailer I have spotted a clear resemblance to the original. The overall feel and look of the film is most promising and the trailer even had me jumping. My one concern is the talk over the films rating. There have been talks of the film being cut for English audiences so it can be shown with a 15 rating. For one I am getting pretty tired over horror movies being cut and changed to suit younger audiences, in the first place these films should not really be shown to young teenagers and secondly, by cutting these films down to suit younger audiences, die hard fans are missing out on the full film and will have to wait for DVD releases in order to watch this film as it was originally made.

I must admit I was one of the many fans of the series ready to slate this film. I was there reading every IMDB entry on how awful this film was going to be, and I found myself being very skeptical. But the more I watch the trailer, the more I read the positive reviews and the fact I love Jackie Haley to top it all off. I just can't help but be ridiculously excited!
