Friday 30 April 2010

The Expendables

No, just no. What the hell is going on here? Why the hell is Sylvester Stallone still even alive? I was kind of hoping he would inject himself with so many steroids that he would become to look like some kind of circus freak with a multitude of growths but unfortunately, this has not happened – yet-. So in the mean time he co-wrote and directed this new film. Apparently made to pay homage to the action films of the 1980s and ‘90s. Which is quite ironic as that is the age in which Stallone was the most prominent. The film is filled with all kinds of ‘heroes’ from that era and some from the present day. A selection of the names - besides Stallone -include: Arnold Schwarzenegger (That is right, the Governor is making a guest appearance.), Bruce Willis (who from the trailer only seems to have a tiny role), Mickey Rourke and Jet Li. And a more recent action hero: Jason Statham. Well I watched the trailer; I watched it a few times actually as I wanted to make sure that such a film is really being made. And my god is it a taste of things to come. I am looking forward to seeing this actually. To see this old and crippled Stallone try and relive his glory days, to see him upstaged by Statham and to see it do shit at the box office. As that is all that it deserves.

- Seb.

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