Thursday 27 May 2010

'Alice In Wonderland' crosses the $1 Billion mark worldwide

Tim Burton's 'dark' adaptation of Alice in Wonderland crosses the $1 Billion mark in box offices worldwide. What the hell is going on? Tim Burton's piece of crap movie manages to join the ranks of Avatar, Titanic and The Dark Knight. Not saying these films are exactly the most mentally stimulating pieces of work. But I would choose them any day rather than watch Tim Burton ruin a fantastic classic 'children's tale', with some less than average effects and very poor acting. It's also sad that one of Burton's arguably worst films is his highest grossing, wonders like Beetle Juice and Edward Scissorhands; even his beautifully animated film A Nightmare before Christmas deserved more acclaim. Sadly, as I have moaned on about before, this is the way the world of cinema is heading; with the introduction of using these 3D cameras and converting perfectly good 2D films into 3D, we're beginning to lose substance and depth. Films are now going to be judged on whether they should be 3D or not, and of course 3D will win because it brings in larger audiences and therefore makes the industry more money. Boo bloody hoo


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