Sunday 23 May 2010

Ghanaian Film Posters

I happened upon these posters whilst talking to a graphics student from London, he was doing a project on early horror and told me about these Ghanaian film posters. I am a huge 80's film fan, so this knowledge came as a treat.

When VHS technology hit the world in the 1980's it allowed some countries to be able to show films at impromptu screenings. They would set up their portable cinemas at any venue available, hook their TV's and VCR's up to play any of the movies that had made it to VHS and landed in their hands. Of course printing was expensive, so they would hire local artists to draw and paint film posters to advertise their screenings. Funny thing was most of these artists hadn't even watched the films. But I couldn't help myself thinking they're still bloody remarkable!

Hope you enjoy!


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