Sunday 23 May 2010

[Rec] 2

If horror films are your bag, you have to look out for [Rec] 2, which is released next week on the 28th of May. The first film [Rec] is possibly one of my favourite modern horrors. It scared me for weeks. I was a complete mess,I was seeing clips of the film as I brushed my teeth, ate my breakfast and got the tube to university. I was a wreck...ha

But I'm hoping for the same with [Rec] 2, providing audiences with plenty of screams, claustrophobic camera work and really disturbing imagery.
The story picks up from the setting of a last film. A SWAT team with a medical officer go to investigate and control the situation inside a sealed off building after authorities lose contact with the people locked inside; with horrific outcomes. The film is from Spanish filmmaker Jaume Balageuró who seems to have hit the nail on the head when creating terrifying horror films. I found [Rec] a wonderful piece of work, both disturbing and surreal. The fact that it was also in Spanish made me more fixated, the setting became intensified and the shaky camera work actually worked for this movie, unlike many horrors before it.
Let's hope [Rec] 2 can bring something more...


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